Emerging topics
- Bio-CAD, soft-CAD and CAD/CAM at the nanoscale;
- Gaming, advertising and tourism; knowledge engineering, design intent, intelligent CAD;
- PLM, PDM and CAD data mining;
- CAD in the garment and fashion industries;
- CAD in the arts and creative media;
- Evolutionary and genetic algorithms and generative design;
- CAD and the internet, web enabled design, virtual engineering;
- Digital/virtual prototyping, object archival and retrieval;
- Design theory, the theoretical foundations of CAD; CAD education;
- CAD engines, hardware acceleration;
- Human factors, humanizing engineering design.
Traditional topics
- Geometric, solid and heterogeneous modeling;
- CAD data bases, data exchange and standards;
- Virtual an augmented reality;
- Additive manufacturing and 3D printing;
- Applications of computational and classical geometry;
- Collaborative, conceptual and feature based design;
- Numerical control, machining theory and practice;
- Design computing, artificial intelligence in design;
- Geometric and engineering tolerances;
- Meshes, finite element analysis and discretization issues;
- Design theory.
Additional topics may also be considered. Please contact us for information.