Volume 6, Number 3
Ontologically-based approach for Knowledge Representation for Stamping Die Applications
Margot Ruschitzka, Adam Suchodolski and Jerzy Wróbel | 281-289 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.281-289 | PDF (233K)
Modeling Families of Objects: Review and Research Directions
H. A. van der Meiden and W. F. Bronsvoort | 291-306 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.291-306 | PDF (771K)
Localized Editing of Catmull-Rom Splines
Manolya Eyiyurekli and David Breen | 307-316 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.307-316 | PDF (458K)
High-level Operations to Streamline Associative Computer-Aided Design
Nathan W. Scott and C. Greg Jensen | 317-327 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.317-327 | PDF (691K)
Interpolation Parameter Tuning for Parametric Curve Paths Using Learning Automata Method
Syh-Shiuh Yeh and Jin-Tsu Sun | 329-339 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.329-339 | PDF (372K)
A Method to Improve Matching Process by Shape Characteristics in Parametric Systems
Mehdi Baba-ali, David Marcheix and Xavier Skapin | 341-350 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.341-350 | PDF (579K)
Algorithm to Offset and Smooth Tessellated Surfaces
Matteo Malosio, Nicola Pedrocchi and Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti | 351-363 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.351-363 | PDF (982K)
Feature-Preserving Anisotropic Smoothing for Meshes with Large-Scale Noise
Masatake Higashi, Tetsuo Oya, Tetsuro Sugiura and Masakazu Kobayashi | 365-374 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.365-374 | PDF (845K)
Process Modeling and Device-Package Simulation for Optimization of MEMS Gyroscopes
Xiaolin Chen, Wei Cui and Wei Xue | 375-386 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.375-386 | PDF (894K)
Extraction of Surface Primitives from Noisy Large-Scale Point-Clouds
H. Masuda and Ichiro Tanaka | 387-398 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.387-398 | PDF (797K)
Oriented 3-D Ink Jet Printing
Simon El Sahi, Yajie Jiang and Allan D. Spence | 399-406 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.399-406 | PDF (386K)
Converting Topology Optimization Results into Parametric CAD Models
Shane Larsen and C. Greg Jensen | 407-418 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.407-418 | PDF (842K)
Thoughts on Hierarchical Modeling Methods for Complex Structures
David W. Rosen | 419-430 | doi: 10.3722/cadaps.2009.419-430 | PDF (643K)